April Fools!

Brother put a cockroach
On my dinner plate.
I got so scared
I couldn't see straight.

Then he gave me
An exploding pen.
With blue fingers
I practiced Zen.

Next I got soaked
From his squirting flower.
Instead of drying off,
I took a shower.

My brother makes me feel
Like such a fool -
*sniff* I cry.
*slurp* I drool.

Then I remember
Today's April 1st -
April Fool's Day,
For better or worse.


  1. I'm sorry we're on spring break for April Fool's Day, used to love playing jokes on my students. Did you ever play jokes like this, Bridget? I used to have a squirting flower! Very fun, poem, not the joke!

    1. You have a great sense of humor, Linda! I'm not much of a prankster nor do I like to get pranked, but luckily it only comes once a year. =)

  2. Hi Ms Magee,
    I'm one of your poetry students. I really enjoyed the April Fools! poem because I have a brother who plays pranks on me everyday, not just on April Fool's Day. Thanks for sharing! -R.P.

    1. Thank you, R for reading my poetry blog! Brothers can be such pranksters sometimes. Maybe we can write a poem about your brother in class. = )


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