Cameral Roll (more than) 23: Mother Nature's Rx

 Happy Earth Day 2023!

(May we have an Earth to day a whole lot longer.)

Many thanks to the incredible poet, Buffy Silverman who, unbeknownst to her, inspired me to write this poem. 

Read Buffy's inspiring poem/post HERE.

Then head over to Karen Edmisten's blog for the Poetry Friday roundup - a place where the inspiration never ends.


  1. Bridget, your poem on Mother Nature is full of interesting pieces of information while personifying Mother Nature. You provided insight into her family tree right up to the ending lines. "Mother Nature is MENopausal" brings a whole new identity to her shifting moods. HRT is something we all need to save our planet and help Mother Nature balance her hot flashes. Love this poem!

  2. I love, and really hate, that Mother was a hot mess, Bridget, & continues to be. You've managed all the parts so well, including "snow-stopper" and "MENopausal". Time for us to pause and act!

  3. This poem makes climate change real, not just words. We can see it. Nice, Bridget!

    1. Thanks, Janice. Unfortunately it is all too real. :)

  4. What a unique take on the "change"! Love "horticulture replacement therapy," and the description of the hot mess. Gorgeous photo, BTW, even though it wasn't the kind of white Christmas it should have been.

  5. This poem blew me away. I enjoyed the idea that Mother Nature is going through 'the change' and the havoc it's wreaking. Such a refreshing and eye-opening concept, as is the all caps of MEN in menopausal.
    I live in the French Alps, and am literally next door to Switzerland. We also had a dry winter last winter, and every year we hold our breath and wait to see what we're going to get. This year, winter is dragging on and on. Sigh.

    1. Hello, neighbor! We live in central Switzerland - a few hours from where this picture was taken on our Christmas holiday. Yes, cold and dreary here...spring hasn't shown her face since December!

  6. I LOVE this metaphor of Earth as a menopausal mother. We're seeing the changes too. Fireflies were out last night in central Maryland -- that doesn't usually happen until true summer.

    1. Thanks, Laura! So many changes...fireflies this early is very strange.

  7. Bridget, your puns are alive here today! What an image of Mother Earth going through "the change." What a crazy Christmas that was! Love the idea of Horticulture Replacement Therapy STAT!

    1. Thanks, Denise. I have a problem with puns...I find them too funny. :)

  8. LOL! Sign me up for horticultural replacement therapy! You always bring the fun--even to serious subjects. It's why I love your work.

    1. Thank you, Linda! Your support means the world to me. :)

  9. I can't believe I've never thought of climate warming this way, being the bearer of hot flashes every day since 2007! I've been too busy explaining to kids how the Earth is sick and has a fever. This is awesome, Bridget.

  10. Your poem is punny, but not funny -- a spot-on call for change in a climate gone wacko.

  11. I love this and it made me laugh (even though I know this topic is serious). What amazing language! Fabulous!

  12. Oh My Gosh, Bridget - love this. Too clever (while delivering an appropriate gut-punch). Caught a glimpse of a story about a huge urban tree-planting project over here somewhere; happy to see that. So important for SO. MANY. REASONS. Thanks as always!

  13. I do not want Mother Earth to be this hot mess but wow, you nailed it in gut-wrenchingly clear-eyed and clever poem. I want to laugh and cry at the same time (which I, hot mess that I am, often do). xo

    1. Thanks, Karen! I, too, swing between laugh/cry hot messiness as well. We're in good company with Mother. :)

  14. OMG- "frosts her tips/freezes her assets" - I wish I wasn't laughing about something so serious! But I glean the biting tone and I hope this poem gets passed along; surely green hills in the Alps in December is cause for action and change? Yikes!

    1. Thank you, Patricia! I appreciate that you picked up on the biting tone. :)


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