Camera Roll (more than) 23: In the Library Vestibule...


If you've been following my #scbwiArtober2023 artistic*  journey on Instagram, thank you.

For some reason IG glitched out yesterday and will not post any more of my pictures...did I crash their AI algorithms with my ineptitude? 

Alas, below is my journey thus far. Halfway through the week I decided to play to my strengths and incorporate my camera roll photos with my art. Here's to painful growth!

*I use this term loosely.

Oct. 1 - Fur







Oct. 2 - Mystery

Oct. 3 -Autumnal

Oct. 4 - Smoky

Oct. 5 - Vines

Oct. 6 - Glamping

Enjoy a 'star' studded Poetry Friday Roundup at Matt's blog:  Radio, Rhythm & Rhyme



  1. Bridget, I love "pretzel legs!" Perfect! Also, what a humorous contraption at the library. You had a wonderful take on the arrangement!

    1. Thanks, Tracey! The kids (and adults!) here in Switzerland use scooters all. the. time...everywhere. But one with a baby carrier for a doll was a special sight. :)

  2. One never knows where or when inspiration will strike! Glad to see you seized the opportunity!

    1. Thanks, Matt! I always have my phone camera ready. And writer's mind... :)

  3. Very creative, Bridget - all the way around - the photos, the art, the puns...the POEM!

    1. Thanks, Patricia! You are kind. It's a bit embarrassing to share my art, but I am finding it very fun to create and my skills are (somewhat) improving.

  4. Bridget, such a cute poem about the doll on the scooter. You could have written a scary poem about her, I think! (It is October!) But I love the love in your sweet poem of the reading circle that includes a beloved doll. Your #scbwiArtober2023 creations are amazing! Don't give up too soon on getting them onto Instagram. I hope you figure that out!

    1. Thank you, Denise! I suppose the doll's incessant stare could have been fodder for some October creep. I did get IG to take yesterday and today's pictures, but not Thursday's. Go figure?

  5. This post had me smiling, thanks!

  6. I'm so glad you shared the photo that inspired your poem. It could have gone in so many directions, but your destination feels just right.

    1. Thanks, Molly! I felt sorry for the dolly just sitting there waiting to be scootered home. From the looks of the other two scooters (a parent's and older sibling's?) the dollmama wasn't given enough time to unbuckle and bring dolly in for a perusal of the shelves. :)

  7. "Here's to painful growth!" is my new motto. Thanks :)

    1. Yay for realistic mottos! I'm always rooting for you, T! :)

  8. Gosh I can relate to painful growth. I want to meet this kid who has this amazing scooter. Love that you found this and made it into a poem!

    1. Thanks, Marcie! Scooter are everywhere here, but this is the first one I've seen with a 'passenger'.

  9. Your puns are, well, really punny! And that scooter - what an inspiration! Thanks for sharing.

    1. Thanks, Rose. I probably go overboard on puns, but they make me laugh. :)

  10. Inspiration can be anywhere, even in a corner of the library, waiting. . . I wonder what did happen with IG. your art/animal puns are great! Thanks for sharing, Bridget. They could be a zine!

    1. Thanks, Linda! Yes, the IG gods (eek, hate to think of Mark Z in that manner...but I digress) allowed me to post again. Weird.

  11. In-tent on looking good.😹 That's perfect for glamping!

  12. That "cue-ball head" bit gave me a visceral memory (including the plastic smell) of my Thumbelina doll! Oh, what great listeners my dolls and stuffed animals were!

    1. Thanks, Mary Lee! Yes, I always had my stuffed bear, Cindy, on my lap to share a book with. :)

  13. Such great imagery in your poem, Bridget! Well done!

    1. Thanks, Linda! It's always fun to get into the headspace of things we see out in the world. :)

  14. Bridget, I was just writing a comment (busy with family all weekend) and the words just vanished. I am delighted to read your post. It is full of childhood memories (my love of books started back then) and humor. The doll is similar to the one from way back when and looks like the one in your photo. The grands love the doll and their books besides that they are into creative play and creative arts. I have to show them your cartoons to give them ideas. Fabulous idea turning your observation into an endearing poem. The circle of reading grows from childhood to adulthood!

  15. Hi Carol! I'm sorry about my blog's comment section quirks. Very frustrating. Thank you for always coming back and sharing such uplifting words. I love hearing about your sweet little grands. :)


Thank you for taking the time to comment! Unfortunately Blogger has been known to eat some comments...sorry! If this happened to you, please email me direct: I promise I'll answer. :)