BEE Loud + elfchen poem

The March winds have blown in an irreverent (but funny!) video and poem sharing...a love letter of sorts for my Joe. 💓

(IMHO, humor about one of the most universal bodily functions can give us the relief we need from our constant state of worry and fear about the least for a few seconds.)






I wrote two (slightly different) versions of my elfchen (elevenie) poem to accompany this video. 

Which do you prefer?


relieves pressure

from our discomfort,

disrupts our worry cycle.


(draft) ©2024, Bridget Magee. All Rights Reserved.



relieve pressure

from your discomfort.

Disrupt your worry cycle,


(draft) ©2024, Bridget Magee. All Rights Reserved.

I'm still collecting responses to Questionnaire #4: Marketing. I've recieved some great input so far. I'd love to hear from YOU!

Link to Questionnaire is HERE!

Blow on over to Linda's blog where she has a CHOICE acrostic and poetry galore! Join us!


  1. Both your poems are hysterical, Bridget! I totally agree about the power of laughter.

    1. Thanks, Rose! I appreciate your comment. I believe even juvenile humor has a place in this day and age. Life is too short (scary, unpredictable, chaotic, etc.) to not take a few seconds to laugh - even when it is about a subject as ridiculous (and relatable!) as farts.

  2. Having grown up with the admonition of saying any words like 'fart', it's still in my brain, thus I would choose the 1st as a favorite, but both are great, Bridget, & from old time, "Laughter is the best medicine"! I like the music, too!

    1. Aw, thank you, Linda! Yes, farts can be taboo. My hope is that people can find humor and momentary relief from their endless worry in my ridiculous videos. The subject matter of this one was aimed at the inner 12 year old boy living in my husband's 58 year old body. He LOVED that I made this video for him, though I knew it would not be for everybody. I'm glad you liked the song - I'm a J.Lo fan, too. :)

  3. Bwahahahahaha! Excuse me. Love it. I am surrounded by middle school kids that release the pressure all day long! But, they would rather die than admit it. So fun with the music too.

    1. Thanks, Linda! Yours is the reaction I was hoping for. I basically live with a 58 year old middle school kid who goes out of his way to admit every single one of his pressure releases! J. Lo for the win. :)

  4. Both are fantastic, as is the video! I'm laughing extra hard because we had a very sad encounter with Brussels sprouts just last night. We love our sprouts both steamed and roasted. Hubby subbed them for French Fries, especially since waiter said they were SO good. They came overcooked to sogginess and drenched in a sweet and HOT sauce to cover the punishment of the bad cooking. They. Were. Awful.

    1. Thanks, Mary Lee! Your poor hubby! Brussels sprouts deserve love and care when preparing and in their aftermath. Shame on that restaurant. In this case, the saying is the opposite - Better in than sprOUT! ;)

  5. Laugh out loud! My students would love to hear your elfchen.

    1. Thanks, Margaret! You're welcome to share... :)

  6. "Disrupt your worry cycle" sounds like a good motto any day!

  7. These are great Bridget, hard to pick one, and I love your video and the LOUD music, FANTASTIC, thanks for all the smiles!!! 🤣

    1. Thank you, Michelle! Getting loud can have some very beneficial effects. ;)

  8. LOL! I had kids write one word poems with onomatopoeia in style of Joseph Coehlo this week, and so many were potty humor - filled. Why not? Isn't farting what kids first think about when they think about onomatopoeia?? :)

    1. Absolutely, Marcie! And we all do it, so universally relatable. Smart kids! :)

  9. Bridget, my two grandgirls learned the word fart and think it is so funny. Many children are drawn to the noises. Laughter is contagious. You certainly have a knack for humor. Thanks for your moments of humor that are so refreshing. I really like your short videos. You are on to something good with these pun-filled tidbits.

    1. Thank you for your kind and encouraging words, Carol. I'm glad you like these videos, because I really LOVE making them. Not going to stop! :)


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