Happy Count Your Buttons Day!

10 buttons line my new coat
1 popped off *POP* and did float
Under a towering green needle pine
Leaving me with just 9

9 buttons line my new coat
1 popped off *POP* and did float
Landing near the white garden gate
Leaving me with just 8

8 buttons line my new coat
1 popped off *POP* and did float
Straight up to blue high heaven
Leaving me with just 7

7 buttons line my new coat
1 popped off *POP* and did float
Bouncing off a stack of red bricks
Leaving me with just 6

6 buttons line my new coat
1 popped off *POP* and did float
Skimming across a golden bee hive
Leaving me with just 5

5 buttons line my new coat
1 popped off *POP* and did float
Skittering across the brown tile floor
Leaving me with just 4

4 buttons line my new coat
1 popped off *POP* and did float
Plunking into my hot black tea
Leaving me with just 3

3 buttons line my new coat
1 popped off *POP* and did float
Right into the ivory loo – ew!
Leaving me with just 2

2 buttons line my new coat
1 popped off *POP* and did float
Up toward the bright yellow sun
Leaving me with just 1

1 button left on my new coat
I button it tight at my throat
Now I’m a Super-hero guy
Time to watch ME fly!


  1. What a fun surprise at the end of your poem, Bridget. This reminded me of the Frog & Toad story about a lost button, one of my favorites

    1. Thanks, Laura! Frog & Toad stories are the best! =)

  2. Very fun, time for a picture book, Bridget! I didn't know there was a button day!

    1. Thanks, Linda! Apparently there is a "day" for just about everything! =)

  3. Oh, no! I missed buttons day? It should be a Count Your Buttons Week! Cute poem! And I agree "Frog and Toad" books are the absolute best for kids AND adults.

    1. Thanks, Donna! Any day is a good day to count your buttons and read "Frog and Toad". =)


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