Backyard Battle

Our canine soldier
is always on guard
for invading lizards
in our backyard.

She patrols the fence,
checks every bush.
When she spots the enemy,
steer clear ...W-H-O-O-S-H!

Between her teeth
the trespasser dangles.
Look out lizards,
this dog mangles.

With pup on duty
it should be known,
our backyard is now
a lizard war zone!


  1. She must be so very fast, Bridget. Love the story of it, but it never occurred to me that dogs could/would catch lizards! Love that 'dangles' and 'mangles'. Ew!

    1. She is very fast, Linda. She's a Rat Terrier who is supposed to hunt rats, but since we don't have any, she hunts the next best thing...lizards! Ew is right! =)


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