Camera Roll 23: More Than "A Little Old Lady Who" (see what I did there?)

Last weekend, our adopted hometown 
Zug, Switzerland hosted the 
Swiss National Yodel Fest!
(Jodel auf Deutsch)
It truly was an immersive 
Swiss sound and sight experience!

 The Alphorn players were not to be missed as well!

(aka 'horny' Swiss 😉)

This week's Poetry Friday roundup is not to be missed either! 

Head over to A Word Edgewise where Linda is hosting.


  1. LOL! You had me at the word yodel...then add fest and it was full on giggle. Just the though! But, Your photos show it to be a serious thing. How fun! Have you tried yodeling? I'd love a voice cracks before it goes loud so I'd make a terrible yodeler. The acrostic is fun...much like I imagine your day was.

  2. What fun! I love your acrostic, especially "euphonious echoes." And those horns - magnificent!

  3. Thanks for the little bit you shared of the music, Bridget. It looks like a delightful day, full of those "euphonious echoes" - first time I've seen that in a poem!

  4. So much fun! "Yank" is such a vibrant verb. The horns are amazing. It seems like it would be incredibly hard to hit particular notes.

  5. Bridget, how serendipitous! I was sharing a story about yodeling and showing my little grands how I attempt to yodel (not well but fun to try). I am going to show them your photos, video, and read the poem. They will have fun identifying the letters and the older one might even try reading the words for me. This is a special post and to think that you were there having fun! Like everyone else I love the double "e" words and will repeat that to the girls you will mimic me. We talked about echoes. Thanks for the fun.

  6. How fun that you got to see and hear the yodeling! I love the acrostic poem: ancestor logs is a favorite.

  7. How wonderful! I love the word "euphonious."

  8. How interesting! The audio in that video is not at all what I was thinking when I heard the word "yodel." The acrostic cracks me up, though.Yodel ay hee hoo, indeed!

  9. OMG--- so so fun! I've loved the sound of yodeling since falling in love with the lonely goatherd of Sound of Music fame... The real thing, so much better!! Great acrostic!

  10. Such a different cultural experience from anything I've seen. Delightful!

  11. What a fun acrostic--and a cool experience!

  12. National Yodel Fest! As Liz Lemon would say, "I want to go to there." :D

  13. Ah what fun here today Bridget in your music-emitting poem and color-filled images, thanks for the virtual visit!


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