Camera Roll (more than) 23: I Moon From Afar

I'm joining the "Moon in June" themed Poetry Friday roundup hosted by Irene Latham. 

She is celebrating the moon so as to provide a moon-poetry-landing for all! 

And she has an  amazing new poetically inclined moon picture book coming out in August called The Museum on the Moon: The Curious Objects on the Lunar Surface.

Here's my contribution...written for my girls, whom I love to the moon and back. 💜💚

Moon over Lake Zug, August 2022


  1. Bridget, that photo of the moon over Lake Zug. I love the thought of the moon hanging low like a so descriptive that I can imagine it. Family love to the moon and back is an endless, wonderful thought

  2. Love the image of the moon as "a pearl around the night sky's neck." Beautiful and peaceful photo, too.

  3. the pearl on night sky's neck is so so lovely!! What a gift for your girls. Thank you for joining the moon party! xo

  4. Lovely and perfect image of the 🌝 Bridget, and packed with tender-oozing 💗 thanks!

  5. Oh, this is fabulous, Bridget. I feel this one deeply.

  6. Sweet poem, Bridget! I like where you went with this.

  7. What a lovely image, the pearl & the night sky's neck!

  8. I love that you wrote for your "girls", Bridget, your own 'pearls' along with the moon, too!

  9. Simply lovely...for all the reasons everyone has already noted!

  10. "Their own phases of adulthood"--may they come back around to you predictably and pearly!

  11. Oh I love the image of a pearl necklace! Lovely.

  12. Beautiful images, Bridget-- "a pearl around the night sky's neck!" And love the tie-in with the phases of adulthood.

  13. Aww... what a sweet link between our circling satellite and watching our most precious gems in their own circles.


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