What in the Wee World is Going On? October Newsletter + #scbwiArtober2023


Stretching my comfort zone by participating in #scbwiArtober2023 on Instagram

Here's the first prompt, "Fur". 

Follow me for the rest of the month at IG.


  1. I prefer Ekphrastic poetry, second would be about pets. Thanks.

  2. Bridget, I love how you're always onto a new challenge, and so often provide humor along the way. Your instagram toast made me chuckle, as did Smidgey's wee little peek poem. Regarding the anthology, first thanks for once again giving back to the poetry universe and secondly, I think I'd prefer pets and then ekphrastic poetry (but mostly I just appreciate the opportunity. Thanks!)


Thank you for taking the time to comment! Unfortunately Blogger has been known to eat some comments...sorry! If this happened to you, please email me direct: bridget@bridgetmagee.com. I promise I'll answer. :)