BEE (body) Positive + Mirror Speaks poem

I'm embarrassed to admit that even at 57 years old I still struggle with body positivity.

Intellectually I know better, but aging, menopause, and social isolation living abroad doesn't help.

But music does!

And avocados!

And seeing what the mirror sees...







My poem gives Mirror the chance to share what SHE sees... 

Human, human in front of me, I don’t understand what you see.


I show you tiny lines - imprints of your laughter and smiles.

You only see cracks needing to be filled with goop from the beauty aisles.


I show you a round belly - a soft landing for a child’s head.

You only see a chubby paunch filled with your guilt over bread.


I show you an ample booty that will cushion your fall.

You only see another “target area” to try to make small.


I show you your body as powerful and strong.

You only see your body as shameful and wrong.


Human, human, in front of me, why don’t you see what I see?

(draft!) ©2024, Bridget Magee. All Rights Reserved.


Speaking of case you missed last week's BEE a Believer video.

(scream warning: I imagine (dragons) that yeasty beasties feel pain!)

Jone Rush MacCulloch  is hosting this week's Poetry Friday Roundup! Join us!


  1. I so appreciate your taking on such a difficult subject and looking closely at it. Women have been raised to value a certain kind of beauty. Lately we hear so much about aging, but there is a positive side that people chose to ignore as they celebrate youth. For me, it's a privilege to get older. :)

    1. Thanks, Janice! Yes, I always say aging is better than the alternative! But it doesn't mean that I don't struggle with bodily changes that seem crop up daily. I'm trying to lean in to giving myself and others, grace. ❤

  2. I think I did miss that 'no pain/no grain' - super funny, Bridget. As for the main menu, having 2 granddaughters, nearly 15 & 13, I see the transition from 'who cares!" to "Everyone cares, about me!" They are athletic, which helps, but still, the pressure is on! Well done, hope you share everywhere!

    1. Thanks, Linda! Sending good vibes to your grands that they can make it through their teen years and beyond without body image issues. I like how body positivity and body image issues are openly discussed now. Though all the negative stuff (unrealistic body expectations/AI images) are a big pressure for today's kids. Complex issue.

  3. I was introduced to the idea of body neutrality, where bodies aren't good or bad, they just are, and I found that idea really resonated with me. I don't have to love my body, I can just accept it for what it is - a collection of organic pieces that allow me to live my wonderful life on this beautiful earth. <3

    1. Thanks, Jane! I love the idea of body neutrality and try to practice it, but to be honest, can only manage it some of the time. I love your positive and joyful sense of self. :)

  4. Bridget, fun! I love what the mirror says. So much more gentle and accepting than the one who looks in, I fear.

    1. Thanks, Denise! Yes, I think the mirror usually tells the truth, we (mostly women) just filter it through a dysmorphic lens sometimes. Here's to giving ourselves gentleness and acceptance! :)

  5. Brava, Bridget, for your honesty and vulnerability. I agree with Mirror, but I also know how self-critical I can be. I wonder what our world might be like if there were no mirrors???

    1. Thanks, Patricia! I like the idea of no mirrors...or body shaming people! :)

  6. Wahoo, Bridget! Cheers for body positivity even when media, time, and bread conspire to fill us with guilt! I wish I were there to do the body-positive boogie with you.

    1. Thanks, Tracey! Body positive boogying would be much more fun with a friend! :)

  7. Your poem and video are both spot on!

    1. Thanks, Mary Lee! You are ALWAYS kind and supportive. :)

  8. I like the mirror's POV! (I had a cup of pretzel nuggets at the airport today. So good! I had to laugh about your "guilt over bread" line :))

    1. Thanks, Tabatha! Yes, mirror is on the something. And so are you! I haven't had pretzel nuggets in forever...forget the guilt! (mostly)

  9. I love how you echo the "mirror mirror on the wall" bit and reverse it here. Yay for body positivity!

  10. I love this echo poem with POV of the mirror. I keep telling myself each facial line is earned.

  11. "Human, human, in front of me, why don’t you see what I see?" Well, this basically made me cry. So beautiful, Bridget. ❤️❤️

    1. Thanks, Karen! Your comment is heartening. (figuratively and literally! ;)


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