Mortimer Minute for Poetry Friday

Huge thank you to Linda Baie at Teacher Dance for tagging me in The Mortimer Minute Children's Poetry Blog Hop!  She also happens to be the host of this week's Poetry Friday Roundup! Hop on over and nibble on some amazing poetry!

Started by children's poet and author Janet Wong several week's ago, I get to enjoy Mortimer's company this week, soothing his sore belly after a night of Trick-or-Treating.  Here's another carrot, Dear Mortimer...

I'm supposed to answer one question from the person who tagged me (Linda) then add two of my own.  Finally, I will tag another blogger and Mortimer will be on his way..

The question I chose to answer from Linda's Hop is: "What is one funny poem you can recite that you use for children?"

I love the following poem both for it's lay out on the page (screen) and its repeated use of "bit". Mortimer approved of my choice...

by  Mary Ann Hoberman

   A rabbit
A little bit
An itty-bitty
   Little bit of beet
    Then bit
        By bit
        He bit
Because he liked the taste of it

My questions:
Why do you post a poem EVERYday?

In a word: practice.  I am trying to improve my skills and the best way to do this is by practicing my skills.  I am not always successful with my poetry, but once in a while I create a gem. By posting my poetry daily on a blog I am held accountable to my small, but loyal, group of readers. *waves and mouths thank you to each and everyone of you*

Are your poems autobiographical and/or about your family?

I am actually asked this question a lot. Sometimes they are about me and/or my family (though the names have been changed) and sometimes they are just random streams of my consciousness. Once I wrote a poem about a child getting a huge snarl in her hair and she has to get a haircut. After I posted that poem I had several family members asking if it was about one of my girls who have VERY long hair (down to their waist). It wasn't, it was just a funny thought I had one day.

That's it for my part of the HOP, now I pass Mortimer and his stash of carrots to...   
Little Willow!
Little Willow is a bookseller, writer, actress, and webdesigner, among other things.  At her blog, Bildungsroman, you'll find her book review, exclusive interviews with authors, and booklists galore.  Wondering where does her blog get its name? defines a bildungsroman as "a novel whose principal subject is the moral, psychological, and intellectual development of a usually youthful main character." And though her blog has an emphasis on YA fiction, LW also reads and reviews books for younger audiences as well as adults.  Drop by sometime!

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  1. I love that poem by Mary Ann Hoberman too, Bridget, so clever! I've never asked you, but have wondered about the poems, if they touch parts of your life sometimes? Thanks for answering that one! And it looks as if Mortimer had a good time here, too. I'm so grateful you had him visit!

    1. Thank you again, Linda, for tagging me and hosting today's roundup. And thank you for being a great poetry supporter. I appreciate you. =)

  2. Mortimer must have had too much fun trick or treating last night. Good thing he stopped at your place to rest and recuperate with a carrot or two.

    Fun Minute, Bridget. I love that rabbit poem too!

    1. Thanks, Jama! Mortimer finally took off his costume this morning - his bunny ears were a big hit! Luckily I have plenty of carrots to soothe all that ails him. =)

  3. Good morning, Bridget! Good morning, Mortimer! :)

    1. Hello Little Willow! Thanks for stopping by. Mortimer is excited to hop on over to join you next week. =)

    2. Mortimer has arrived at Bildungsroman!

  4. Glad you were able to soothe Mortimer's aching belly with an itty bitty little bit of carrot. I admire your discipline to write and post a poem every day, Bridget!

    1. Thank you, Buffy! Mortimer was very cooperative about the carrot remedy. Practice makes less imperfect poems (I'm hoping)! =)

  5. Hi Bridget! That's a great poem by Mary Ann Hoberman! And good for you for posting a poem every day. I didn't realize you posted every day. Wowser - that really shows determination!

    1. Thanks, BJ! Yes, posting everyday has been a big commitment, but I think it has paid off. And I enjoy being creative every day. =)

  6. Like Buffy, I really admire your discipline, Bridget. And I do so enjoy those gems too! :)

    1. Thanks, Michelle! Occasionally a gem flows out of me, but the diamonds in the rough are good practice and opportunities for revision. =)

  7. Thank you, Mortimer, for uncovering the tidbit of your daily posting of poems. I didn't know that either. I'm sure I'll feel your moral support as I attempt to write a poem a day this month (though won't post them...afraid they're too raw for public eyes so soon after writing).

    1. Thanks, Violet. Yes, you have both Mortimer's and my moral support to write a poem daily this month. It's a great habit inducing exercise. Enjoy the fruits of your labor. =)

  8. A poem a day! Wow! That is really discipline! I'm going to start paying closer attention to your blog-- you inspire me! Thank you!

    1. Thank you, Carol! A poem a day keeps me on my toes and is a lot of fun, but not every poem is a gem, but I try. =)

  9. What a perfect poem to share! I loved learning more about you and your poetry writing. I often think I should strive for a poem a day, but so far I haven't been able to sustain such a thing. It's more like a poem a month! You're an inspiration. :)

    1. Thank you, Renee! Poem a day or poem a month, it doesn't matter. As long as we are all doing what we love. =)

  10. Thanks for sharing, Bridget--I just love when Mortimer gets personal with a poet. Are carrots good for post-Halloween tummy-ache? Must try that next year....

    1. Thanks for stopping by, Heidi! Yes, according to Mortimer carrots are good for EVERYthing. =)

  11. Thanks for sharing the poem! I love the wordplay. Very witty! =)

    1. Thanks, Fats! Yes, Mary Ann Hoberman is amazing! Mortimer insisted on a bunny poem, too. =)


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